January 08, 2013

Liebster Award!

I wander what Liebster Award is...
Many Beauty Blogger attach a logo of Liebster Award on their blogs, but the logo has no link.
I was soooooooo curious until tonight.

Then, Yani gave me a comment that she nominated me for Liebster Award. Ah, I think I got it!
Now I understand it's one of many ways to get new blogger friends :D
Like a tagging quiz, maybe? Hehe

So, here are the rules:

1. Thank the one who nominates you...
2. Answer 11 questions from the person who nominates you
3. Choose 11 bloggers as nominees with less than 200 followers
5. Make 11 questions for them to answer
5. Write 11 random facts about you

Hm, okay... First thing first, Thanks to Yani who nominates me for this award :)
You aren't only nominating me but also giving me enlightenment (aha!)
Thank you, dear :)

Answer 11 questions... Okay, here are the questions:

1. Apa yang kamu suka dari makeup?
Permainan warna! Padu padan warna gelap dan terang, membuat wajah semakin terlihat menarik, dan banyak hal!

2. Bagian wajah mana yang paling kamu suka?
Mataku... Hehe

3. Flat shoes or wedges?
Wedges... Karena aku pendek... Hehehe

4. Alat makeup apa yang kamu pakai sehari-hari dan bisa bikin kamu ga pede kalau ga pakai itu?
Ah... Many things, actually... Hehe
Bedak, it's a must! Muka berminyak gitu lho
Lipstick! Bibirku super pucat... kayak orang sakit. Jadim daripada bikin orang yang lihat khawatir, sebaiknya aku buat jadi cerah dengan lipstick

Eh? Alat makeup ya?? :O
Berarti puff untuk bedak! Hehe

5. Kalau kamu punya tiket gratis, kamu mau pergi kemana dan kenapa?
Lagi pengen ke Raja Ampat... Kangen laut dengan pasir putih... Dan karena harga pesawatnya lebih mahal drpd ke malaysia -___-#

6. Maybelline or NYX? Lipgloss or Lipstick? Andalan kamu?
Maybelline, Lipstick, ColorSensational Are You Red-Dy! Hohoho

7. Kalau ga ada kerjaan, hal gila apa yang pernah lakukan untuk menghabiskan waktu?
Ah... apa ya... Rasanya belum pernah melakukan yang gila... paling cuma tidur, sampai linglung... Hehehe

8. Siapa yang jadi panutan makeup mu?
Julia MissChiveous And Klaire Klairedelysart

9. Biasanya dandan kemana aja?
Ke kampus aku dandan yang simple, kalau ada nikahan dandan yang sedikit lebih berat (tambah eyeshadow maksudnya.. hehe)

10. Harapan buat 2013?
Semoga, aku selalu dimudahkan untuk mendapatkan apa yang kubutuhkan, yaitu: bangun pagi. Hehehe

Lho? kok cm 10? Yaniiiii nomor tujuhmu ga adaaa XD

Okay, here are 11 beautiful girls I nominate for Liebster Award:

Here are the questions, girl :)
1. When was the most first time you try makeup by yourself?
2. Pants or Skirts?
3. What is your daily facial treatment?
4. Do you have any favorite natural mask?
5. If you are a gem, what would you be?
6. What is your skin tone? Is it warm or cool?
7. How long you sleep a day?
8. What is your most favorite facial feature?
9. What is your favorite food?
10. Do you prefer coffee, tea or milk?
11. What is your beauty resolution in 2013?

Aha! That's it, girl :)
I hope you would tell me you answer those questions :)

The final...
11 random things about meeeeh

1. I can sleep 12 hours!
2. I hate cucumber soooo much!
3. I love cats and dogs, but I prefer cats. Miaoww
4. I always spent my for food, higher than cosmetics.
5. I love gardening. But I hate caterpillar. Iiiishh
6. I used to hate my skin tone. I felt that I'm not beautiful. Now, I'm proud with my skin tone which has so much melanin!
7. Oh, seven! I love seven when it's written as seven, but I hate when it's written as 7. Nah, ugly shape of 7... -___-
8. I love eight, because when you rotate it you'll see the infinity...
9. Pelupa
10. Sangat pelupa
11. Amat sangat pelupa...

Okay! That's all!


  1. m ur newest follower...join and support my blog too:)


  2. hai say...thanks for awards
    this is my post about liebster awards

  3. hi faranira..you have nice blog...^^
    im following you... hope you follow my blog too^^


  4. Faraaa <3
    baru aja aku baca.. kemaren itu ada,, tapi kenapa sekarang ga lagi ya? huhuhuuuu.. =="

    ternyata kamu juga suka pantengin si Julia MissChiveous.. ahahahha

    1. Hehehehe...
      Aku kayaknya kemarin langsung share linknya di comment section blogmu.. tp kayaknya aku melakukan kesalahan, jd ga ke publish. Hehehe

      Iyaaa Julia keren bgt menurutku :D
      Dia termasuk beauty guru yang aku liat di youtube <3


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