May 25, 2013

Summer Doll Baby Color in Brown

Couple weeks ago I bought a pair of soft lens/contact lens/circle lens. I want to have a bigger lens (mine, also my favorite, is Geo Nudy 14.00 mm in brown) so I decide to buy this one. It's Summer Doll Baby Color in Brown.

About Summer Doll Baby Color (Three tone)

Diameter: 19.8 mm (WOW, it's really big)
Base Curve: 8.7 mm
Water Content: 48%
Manufacturer: China

As I said before, mine is Brown. It has 3 colors, black, brown and yellow. The yellow makes this lens look bright which I hate. I should buy the chocolate (it's darker) instead this one :(

 how this lens looks on my eyes...

First time I wear this lens, I feel a little bit uncomfortable. But after about 2 minutes it's going better and quite comfortable. I haven't wore this lens for more than an hour. So, I can't say wether it's comfortable for a longer use or not.

Last picture, me wearing this soft lens :D
Because its diameter (which is really big) it helps me to get a dolly eyes look. So, if you want to get a dolly look, this lens is a perfect choice :)

(Lipstick is from PIXY, you can read my review about PIXY Silky Fit Lipstick in Peach Punch)

Okay, see you in the next post.



  1. wahhh cantiik <3 ini yg dipake di pp di facebook yaa

  2. iya shan :D
    jadi dolly gitu pake lens ini..

  3. Eee bagusss, aku pikir bakal menyala bgt warnanya

  4. Kalau dilihat langsung sih memang terang (menurutku) karena warna kuningnya...
    Tapi patternnya memang bagus sih, ga terlalu semarak... hehe


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